Improve your therapeutic skills, get innovative business training and become the GO-TO expert in your modality - on your terms!

Hi, I'm Stuart Hinds a qualified Soft Tissue Therapist. Welcome to my online academy!
I’ve been a part of this glorious industry for 3 decades and I absolutely love it. 

Not only do I love it, but unlike most of my peers and newish (read: less than 3 years of professional experience) massage therapists - I am physically fit, not broken, and have stood the test of time. 

Nope, I’m not a unicorn, but I’ve cracked the ultimate “self-care” code to what seems like a paradox in our industry. 
I work out of my clinic 5 days a week, have patients all over the world, work at the highest level in sports medicine, and have been an integral part of the Australian Olympics soft tissue therapy team. 
Now I Don’t Say All Of This To Brag, 
But To Simply Tell You That If You’re Feeling:
  • ​Fatigued
  • ​Overwhelmed/Self Doubt/Self Worth
  • ​Uncertain of your therapy skills
  • Your confidence takes a nosedive when you treat clients
  • Frustrated with the lack of professional guidance from the industry and low quality education programs
  • ​Massively overlooked, ignored, and a non-entity compared to other therapists (physiotherapists).....
You're Not Alone...
Now I Don’t Say All Of This To Brag, But To Simply Tell You That If You're Feeling:
  • ​Fatigued
  • ​Overwhelmed/Self Doubt/Self Worth
  • ​Uncertain of your therapy skills
  • Your confidence takes a nosedive when you treat clients
  • Frustrated with the lack of professional guidance from the industry and low quality education programs
  • ​Massively overlooked, ignored, and a non-entity compared to other therapists (physiotherapists).....
You're Not Alone...
So I built an exclusive community for kick-ass manual therapists, where everyone who joined could get the benefits of my mentoring plus collectively support one another. The best part... It's super affordable for everyone!
AS Seen On
The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle is the ONLY place where TOP Manual therapists (Newbies & Seasoned) come together to:
  • ​Learn new therapy techniques
  • Have a strong sense of how the human anatomy correlates with movement
  • ​Maximise your self confidence and realise your true potential
  • Offer exceptional outcomes to clients so they book more additional sessions (win for the therapists)
  • Become uber specialised in a particular modality
  • ​Build a sustainable well booked practice
These goals are attainable and I see our members crush them every day!
The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle is the ONLY place where TOP Manual therapists (Newbies & Seasoned) come together to:
  • ​Learn new therapy techniques
  • Have a strong sense of how the human anatomy correlates with movement
  • ​Maximise your self confidence and realise your true potential
  • Offer exceptional outcomes to clients so they book more additional sessions (win for the therapists)
  • Become uber specialised in a particular modality
  • ​Build a sustainable well booked practice
These goals are attainable and I see our members crush them every day!
Here's A Sneak Peak At What's Inside...
 Access to The Stuart Hinds Academy Platform & Inner Circle Membership  
Offering detailed step-by-step technical instruction (#blowyourclientsmind), exclusive members only podcast, bonus workshops and monthly masterclasses 
 Monthly Masterclass Drops 
Topic specific masterclasses including video trainings, comprehensive manuals, quizzes and certificate of completions that awards you 10 CPE points per Masterclass (sold individually for $247 each - free for Inner Circle members) 
 Monthly webinars 
To discuss and break down specific assessment and treatment protocols, plus keep you abreast of relevant topics and issues impacting the industry.
 direct access to me 
There’s nothing more I love than helping manual therapists not just become world class at what they do but also take self-care seriously! 
 Private FB group 
Where you get your questions answered, network with peers, potentially collaborate on projects, gain referrals, and make lifelong friends
 Member Only Discounts
Discounts and priority access to exclusive online and live workshops, courses, programs & merch
When You Join The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle
You'll Also Score These Amazing Bonuses
Live Q&A 
This is online mentoring like no other!
Exclusively available to Insiders only, every month you can submit your video or questions to Stuart and he'll answer them live on air. Distance mentoring has never been so easy! (or efficient). Can't make it live? No worries! Episodes are uploaded into the members area, so you'll never miss a beat! 
Essential Ingredients For In Clinic Success 
Watch this bonus video as Stuart shares the secret recipe that produce's successful therapists, time after time. You'll learn how to sustainably grow and develop your clinical skills and business following these 4 simple secrets. 
The "Break The Merry Go Round Cycle & Be The Therapist Your 
Clients Want To Come Back To Time & Time Again” Treatment Protocol 
The corner stone (and cash flow) of your business lies within understanding & successfully implementing treatment protocols. In these videos we’ll dive into what a successful treatment protocol looks like and how to implement them into your business, so your clients become your raving fans!   
What blows me away every day is the quality of the people who I’m proud to call extraordinary members (and friends) of this community... 
Inner Circle members include grads, new manual therapists, well-established therapists, and business owners from diverse modalities, all learning from the Stuart Hinds Academy platform, mastering their craft. 

What brings these various groups together is their unanimous passion and pride in the work they do. 
The Inner Circle has welcomed over 300 members and is going strong!
These beautiful strangers have formed strong relationships, traded in-depth ideas, and shared their hard-won knowledge about what's been working and what didn't go so well. I have had the privilege to mentor them, watch them grow and develop their technical expertise and businesses since joining the Inner Circle. 

And... it proving to be a game changer to ALL manual therapists, regardless of where they were in their journey, providing them a safe environment to voice their concerns, tell their stories, share their wins and get over their losses - all of this at an unbeatable membership fee. 

Here’s what some of our members have been saying about the Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle: 
“I feel I have already got so much from the Insiders membership & the private mentoring, it has changed me as a therapist & changed my business structure. I also love the interaction with other therapists & learning from each other.”  - Marty Fry
“I’ve learned so much from the case studies discussed in the Facebook group, getting other members ideas, & Stuart’s thoughts - game changer!”  - Liam Staines
“I love the accessibility to Stuart himself. Stu always gets back to me when I have questions. I have never felt like I was bothering him with silly questions.”  
- Vanessa Hough
Rumour Has It That….
The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle is the best place in the industry to learn, do and become an AWESOME Manual Therapist. 

The love and respect your clients give you as a result, are just some mild side-effects 😉

There’s no community quite like this to cheer you on….

Whether you’ve been treating clients for 3 months or 30 years, you’ll be blown away by the engaging discussions, treatment techniques demonstrated and hearing about members’ experiences as they build their skills and businesses. 

It’s no wonder our members’ consider the Inner Circle their secret weapon

​I could go on and on about all the ways becoming an Inner Circle member will change the way you handle your clients, but…..

AS Seen On
You have to experience it To understand!
If other “online gurus”...
have left you with a bad taste in your mouth, starting from scratch all over again (hint: it’s because they lack zero clinical experience or charge a live liver donation ).
If you want to...
learn from someone who’s worked in challenging environments such as The Olympics, World Champs and alongside professional athletes in their grass root journeys (and hear the stories!)
If you’re serious about...
receiving support, mastering your skills, accessing world class training that’s devised by someone who’s felicitated by the Lifetime Achievement award in Sports Medicine 
(not so humble brag)...
If you want to
learn from someone who’s been deep in the trenches for close to 3 decades (and counting), with an abundant real time clinical experience and not just theory you get in a book, YouTube videos, or Google...
If you want BOTH...
The technical expertise to master your craft & the business of running your clinic, then…..
This Is A Personal Invitation From Me To You…
If You Want To Finally Overcome Your Struggles And Create Epic Results, Then I Can't Wait To Help You Finally Achieve Your Goals.

Welcome To Your New Home

Are You Coming In?...

No Risk - FREE 7 Day Trial - Join The Inner Circle Today!

- Stuart Hinds
The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle
 Access to The Stuart Hinds Academy Platform 
 Monthly Masterclass Drops
 (valued at $2964 yearly) 
 Monthly webinars 
 direct access to me 
 Private FB group 
 Member Only Discounts
 3 FREE Bonuses
6 Reasons You Need To Join Now
Reason #1
100+ hours of go-at-your-pace, innovative technical instruction, unlimited technique critiques, the live monthly webinars, step by step masterclasses covering assessment and treatment protocols (worth 120+ CPE points per year) and guest trainings from industry experts.

If You Go Elsewhere: Get ready to shell out thousands of dollars to learn this content in workshops (not including travel fees), PLUS thousands more for access to their online coaches. 
Reason #2
Opportunity to learn from someone (that’s me) who’s seen the insides of a real clinic for 30 years, who isn’t whipping up an online course but has ZERO real time clinical experience. 
Enough said. 
Reason #3
Get the support, love and encouragement from a community of active members’ (not wannabes) who want to see you succeed. People who are pursuing manual therapy as a legit career and not a hobby. 
Reason #4
How to build a loyal clientele, get proven assessment & treatment protocols, and position yourself as an expert in your specialty... or get help figuring out your specialty (without the expensive trial and error). 
Reason #5
Learn safe & sustainable practices that will enhance your career and provide longevity. 

Say goodbye to being smashed by unsustainable workloads and falling into the trap of potential injury. 

It breaks my heart to see therapists destroying themselves day in, day out (read: ground hog day anyone?!) in the pursuit of success.
Reason #6
The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle is open for enrolment every day, but here's why you'll want to join today:

As new members’ join, the quality of our community grows. This means the value of the Inner Circle continues to grow, and so will the price.
Today, you can join us 
fREE For 7 Days
When you join today, you'll get immediate access to the Stuart Hinds Academy platform

The Stuart Hinds Academy 
Inner Circle IS PERFECT For You If You….
  Are a newish (recent graduate) with zero practical experience or you’ve been in providing therapy for decades. 
  Are looking for treatment protocols you won’t find anywhere else. 
  Desire feedback on your techniques, client management, and overall career aspirations. 
  Need business advice on how to get clients and/or fully book your practice. 
  Want access to job postings from vetted clients and employers (coming soon).
  Committed to being an awesome manual therapist.
 Want to be part of a like-minded community who cares for your professional success. 
The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle IS NOT Perfect For You If You….
  Aren’t serious about professional development. 
  Are a know-it-all who isn’t open to a fresh perspective and you’re un-coachable.
 Rather watch YouTube videos, Google the latest fads, devour free courses, prefer spending lots of money learning ONLY at in-person workshops.
  Are a taker and not a giver. 
Still wondering if the Stuart Hinds Academy 
Inner Circle is right for you? 

Let’s remove all your risk and excuses with the…
Sit Back & Relax  
“Unbelievable Value” Guarantee
I’m so passionate about partnering with you to help you thrive as a professional manual therapist and want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to give a confident “yes”. 

If you’re on the fence… Or if other online programs or gurus have left you skeptical… 

….I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle into action, experience how easy and exciting it can be to implement the content.

And here’s how I’ll prove it to you...

Try the Inner Circle for 14 days. Watch the trainings. Participate in the private forum. Email my team ANY question that’s nagging you. If you don’t agree that you’re getting far more value than what you pay each month, then shoot us an email at and we’ll refund your money and amicably part ways. Cool?  Yeah, we thought so too!
Sit Back & Relax  
“Unbelievable Value” Guarantee
I’m so passionate about partnering with you to help you thrive as a professional manual therapist and want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to give a confident “yes”. 

If you’re on the fence… Or if other online programs or gurus have left you skeptical… 

….I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle into action, experience how easy and exciting it can be to implement the content.

And here’s how I’ll prove it to you...

Try the Inner Circle for 14 days. Watch the trainings. Participate in the private forum. Email my team ANY question that’s nagging you. If you don’t agree that you’re getting far more value than what you pay each month, then shoot us an email at and we’ll refund your money and amicably part ways. Cool?  Yeah, we thought so too!
Real members, Real Results
“I had likened massage to having a 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. When you finish the formal training requirements, you start with 215 pieces on the table. Over time, Stuart has helped me put MORE pieces on the table than any other content or instructor out there. ”  - Elizabeth Collins
"The access to Stuart’s videos are so helpful. A real go to when I need help with a client’s issues."
- Catherine Ross
“I love the private Facebook group because you can ask any (stupid) question without judgement. All the content is in bite-sized pieces so you can absorb and utilise each bit, particularly all the technique tips in relation to anatomy. The price tag - too cheap at $20/month! I'd pay double that at least.”  
- Kathy Hill
Some massage therapists choose to be stuck. 
Others choose the Inner Circle and take charge of their careers (and lives)….
There are a hundred reasons to put off your decision to join The Stuart Hinds Inner Circle. I won’t argue.

If you choose to go at it alone, chase random tactics, endure expensive trial and error, become frustrated and even give up - that would be a tragic loss of your gifts. 

So, before you say “no”, think about your career

Will it grow the way you want to if you keep doing the same things you’ve always done? 

Will you be working with your ideal clients if you don’t figure out what to change? 

Will you be able to increase your prices and take on larger jobs if you don’t do something different?
Now consider what the Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle will help you do.
  • You’ll connect with other ambitious massage therapists who are investing in their professional skills. ​
  • You’ll have access to 100+ hours (valued at thousands of dollars, yours for a mere $20/month) of technical training and business building strategies, including my awesome new masterclasses (new content released each month) and members only podcast. (100% tax deductible and worth 120+ CPE points 😉)
  • You’ll get access to a diverse group of quality leads.
  • It’s amazing value at just $20 a month.
  • But that price is destined to go up. There’s simply too much value inside The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle to give away for so little. So don’t wait too long to join.

The Stuart Hinds Academy Inner Circle
Where you get the training, business skills, people skills, and community designed to take you from overlooked to sustainably booked…

for less than you pay for continuing education (approx. cost: $10,000+) 

But with 10X the value!
 Access to The Stuart Hinds Academy Platform 
 Monthly Masterclass Drops 
 Monthly webinars 
 direct access to me 
 Private FB group 
 Member Only Discounts
 3 FREE Bonuses
If you’re nodding yes to all of the above, 
then I can’t wait to welcome you to your new “home”
© Stuart Hinds Academy 2023 
All Rights Reserved -Terms - Privacy